Monday, December 04, 2006

Merger Mania Alert

The hot titanium trio; Allegheny Tech (ATI +6%), RTI Int'l Metal (RTI +4%) and Titanium Metals (TIE +5%) saw more follow-through M&A-related buying from last week. This should continue throughout the week until more definitive news is eventually released. This sector is hot, hot, hot!

TIE Short Squeeze Rating

TIE has a HIGH short squeeze rating of 78. Get ready for the fuel to hit the fire!
Click for Short Squeeze Info 7,600,000 shares are short!

ATI has a LOW short squeeze rating of 13. Many sharts have already covered here when the stock shot from the mid- $70's to $93! Yikes!
Click for Short Squeeze Info

The chart on TIE looks like it did back on Oct 4 when it ran from $23 to $34, a 47% run in 16 days! We are now only 4 days into this run! Hang on. TIE Chart

TIE and ATI on a TEAR!

The shorts will be certain to get squeezed hard as TIE approaches $40 and ATI $100!!!